Author: Eleonora
Splash #3 – Mint
Water and Mint Splash on Ice. This one was shot at the workshop “Light is a Feeling” – “European Tracks of Photography“ in Lucca. Thanks to Giusy, Beatrice and all the guys. See more splashes.. [nggallery id=29]
Korus Models
Brochure e foto per lookbook – Primavera/Estate 2010 – Korus Fashion store Progetto Grafico: Eleonora Borelli Foto: Eleonora Borelli, Francesco Borelli Hanno partecipato: Annalisa, Eka, Paola, Sofia [nggallery id=52]
Year of The Tiger
L’anno della tigre. Celebrazioni per il capodanno cinese 2010 – anno della tigre. La Danza del Drago a Prato.
Monotone Quotes
“Monotone is the exception to just about every rule as far as themes go” “Monotone has so many peculiarities I sometimes wonder if it has any use at all.”
Using Duotone Theme For WordPress
Using the Duotone Theme with Wordpress 2.9 on self-hosted instances.